Sunday 4 February 2018

The importance of drinking water

Why do we need water?
  • Our bodies are 50 – 70% water but the average adult looses 3 litres of water a day.1 litre is lost through breathing,1 ½ pints expelled in urine, ½ litre in perspiration.
  • Water is necessary to regulate body temperature, transport oxygen and nutrients to cells, flush toxins from the organs, keep skin moist and to lubricate our joints.
  • Water also guards against kidney stones, helps prevent constipation, colon cancer and bladder cancer and may reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease.
What can water do?
  • By drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, it will help increase metabolism by up to 30% so helping with weight loss.
  • It is a natural energy booster and helps prevent tiredness and exhaustion
  • It helps with concentration
  • It helps prevents headaches.
  • It improves you skin and complexion – helping you to look younger!
  • It helps relieve joint pain
  • It prevents fluid retention
  • It reduces cystitis
  • It helps reduce infections
  • It decreases high blood pressure
What should you do?
  • Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day but gradually rather than all at once!
  • Have a glass of water when you first get up.
  • Keep water with you all day long and periodically check if your mouth feels dry or you feel thirsty or tired- if so - drink water. You will find that immediately you have more energy and your mind feels clearer!
  • For every drink of coffee, alcohol or other stimulants, drink an extra glass of water to help with the body’s detoxification.
  • Notice if your urine is strong and bright yellow as that could indicate dehydration!
  • Keep pot plants in the room as regular watering increases humidity in the air.
However do not substitute water for tea, coffee and fizzy drinks as they contain caffeine which is a diuretic and causes increased urination. This results in more fluid being flushed out than taken in. 

How can you get water?
  • Bottled or Tap water - Find a water which tastes best to you;
Spring water is collected directly from the spring where it rises from the ground and is bottled at source. It is the closest to tap water which is typically treated with chlorine to reduce bacteria. Mineral water emerges from the ground, then flows over rocks before it is collected, resulting in a higher content of various minerals and this may affect the taste!
  • Approximately 19% of our water needs can be met by high water content foods-:
 An apple contains 84% water, an orange 87%, a tomato 97%, broccoli 91%, cabbage 93% and lettuce 96%.

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