Thursday 29 September 2011

Increase your child's intake of fruit & veg by juicing it!

My daughter is 3 years old and has been drinking veggie and fruit juices since she was a baby.
Jason Vale is bringing his new book out in November The Funky Fresh Juice Book and he was asking for pictures of children drinking juice with a poem so I have sent this off so cross fingers, she might get in it!

Every morning when I get up
My mummy puts my juice in my Hello Kitty cup
Apple, pineapple, kiwi and lime,
I love it all at any old time
It's yummy in the morning
and in the afternoon
Sometimes in a glass or
off a big big spoon
Usually sweet
Occasionally tart
I love mummy's juice
with all my heart

7lb in 7 days on the Jason Vale Juice Master Detox Retreat in Turkey

Feeling fruity? Lose 7lbs on Jason Vale's juice plan

Whether you want to change your mental approach to eating forever; stop smoking for life; lose some unwanted weight (7lbs in 7 days); spend a week with the best-selling author and health coach Jason Vale, or just want to live on nature's finest juices whilst lapping up the sun in a healthy, relaxing and positive environment then a week in Turkey on a Juice Master Detox Retreat is the place to go.

I have just returned from Turkey and it was a completely inspiring week. Thanks to all the team I have returned feeling totally revitalised and full of energy.

Jason is the absolute king of healthy living, inspirational but realistic. Not only are his juicing receipes sensational but his knowledge of nutrition, addictions and allergies make him a leading expert in health and wellbeing.

I met some great people all there looking to shed a few pounds, get inspired, meditate, do some yoga, recharge batteries, give up smoking or drinking or simply get away from it all.

I went with a friend that I did my colonic training with and we stayed in the cheapest option that was available which was a tent. There were also lovely rooms around the swimming pool and overlooking the breath taking views of the mountains. It really is a stunning place and it is amazing how much better you can feel in just 7 days.

The day was jam packed with running, power walking, hill climbing, volley ball, rebounding, circuits, sauna & swimming, motivational talks by Jason, yoga, lots of delicious juices finished off with inspirational dvds in the evening. The day started at about 6 am and finished at about 10 pm. Everything is optional but Jason truly motivates everyone and I was there to do everything that was on offer.

Jason Vale, dubbed the Juice Master, devised the programme to help the model Jordan shed 28lb in three months after the birth of her second child.
He also transformed his own life many years ago after becoming an overweight chain-smoker who ate junk food, drank a lot of lager and suffered from severe asthma as well as eczema, mild acne, bad hayfever and severe psoriasis.
Then he discovered the benefits of juice detoxing and is now completely fit and healthy with a new career helping people beat their food cravings.
His plan has been carefully designed to ensure you won't feel hungry because you'll still get all the nutrients, vitamins and enzymes your body needs for optimum health.

At the end of the week, all feeling super healthy & vibrant - thanks to The Juicy Team!

Typical Day!

Overlooking the mountains

Me & Kelly who I met during my colonic training

Bernie coming over the finishing line - 5km uphill challenge

Kelly & Jason Vale

Mini Trampolining with breath taking views

Me & Jason

Our home for the week

Lovely sunsets

Me & Kate

Kate, Warren, Jason, Mel & Kenny the Yoga teacher

Jason & his future mother in law with her daughter Amy- what an achievement - 5k uphill

Sad to say goodbye to the fantastic retreat in Turkey, will be back!

All the details can be found Juice Master Retreat in Turkey