Saturday 27 November 2010

Why we should be taking probiotics and/or digestive enzymes

Boost your immune system with good bacteria
There are countless supplements out there that claim they can help boost your immune system, but did you know that 80% of your immune system is actually found in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract?  This means that your gut is actually a major focal point when it comes to maintaining optimal health and strong immunity.

The major benefits of adding probiotic organisms to the diet: boosts immune system, inhibits disease causing organisms, improved digestion, vitamin synthesis, detoxification and protection from toxins, prevents diarrhea from various causes, reduced risk of irritable bowel syndromes, cancer-protective effects, increased nutrient absorption, improves resistance to allergies, reduces yeast and other infections.

If you have ever heard of probiotics but still don't really quite understand the importance of taking a good probiotic supplement during times of illness then Dr Lewis will explain everything you need to know.  I always find it easier to absorb information if I actually listen to someone alongside a visual description.  Personally, this seems to sink in much better than reading endless lists of information.  I hope after watching the video that you will have a better understanding of probiotics and the importance of maintaining the right balance between "friendly/good bacteria" and "bad bacteria" that reside in our intestinal tract and assist in the prevention of disease.

 A really good probiotic to buy that must be kept in the fridge, £17.95 with free postage and packaging (cheapest supplier that I have found!)

Also another great product to try if you find you are full of wind, gas, cramping and bloatedness are digestive enzymes.  These are all symptoms of food not being broken down properly in the digestive system.  One of the best products is Udos Choice Ultimate Digestive Enzyme Blend.  Enzymes and probiotics can be important aids to help you avoid the chaos of intestinal imbalance.  

Don't use the yogurt drinks like yakult as they are full of sugar and therefore counter productive!

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