Friday, 5 May 2017

10 ways to boost your digestive system

10 Ways to boost Your Digestive System

If you’re having trouble with digestion, poor health is not far behind. As Hippocrates is often quoted as saying more than 2,000 years ago, “All disease begins in the gut.” Your organs, blood, eyes, hair, bones, thoughts and feelings are literally built from the food you eat. Your ability to break down food to form the essential building blocks of life determines your ability to thrive.

An impaired digestive system is not only uncomfortable (and potentially embarrassing, in the case of frequent gassiness), but also endangers your health. Experts estimate that approximately 75 percent of the immune system lives in the gut, so taking care of your tummy is vital to avoid disease.

If you want to resolve a plethora of health issues, digestion is a great place to start. Here are the 10 most important rules to follow for optimal digestion.

You are what you eat — or what you digest

Your digestive system isn’t just a blender. It’s a living environment with sensitive tissues and an ever changing bacterial environment.

Dietary sensitivities are increasing as our food supply becomes more saturated with pesticides, chemicals, additives and processing agents. At the same time, meat and produce that is farmed on a large commercial scale is derived from nutrient depleted soil. It’s vital to choose foods that provide optimal nutrition and do not cause irritation in the gut. Avoiding processed foods, grains (especially those that contain gluten) and commercial dairy products.

2. Reduce or eliminate caffeine

Many people find that caffeine causes intestinal distress. For a gentler alternative, try herbal coffee which also has other health benefits. Other alternatives include green tea and herbal teas, which provide anti-inflammatory power and may even help boost digestion. Peppermint, chamomile and fennel tea are all touted for digestive benefits.

3. Work on your posture

Slouching can seriously impede digestion and contribute to constipation.  Bathroom posture is also important. Human beings were built to squat for optimal excretion of waste, but modern toilets are in conflict with our biology. Using a small stool or purpose built squatting device that sits in front of the toilet is beneficial for many people who otherwise suffer from constipation and other digestive complaints.

4. Add more fibre

Adding bulk to stools helps to cleanse the colon. Linseeds/Flaxseeds are rich in fibre — try sprinkling them on top of salads or yogurt or soak a dessert spoon overnight in water and slug back in the morning  Add more liquid if you prefer.
However, it is important to note that fibre may cause intestinal distress and constipation in some people. Consumption should be increased gradually to prevent discomfort and gassiness. 

5. Add more fat

Simply adding more fibre on its own may block up the works. We need to drink enough water and also consume healthy fats to keep the excretory system well lubricated. Good choices for healthy fats include those that are naturally sourced and minimally processed

Coconut oil
Extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
Linseed oil

Don't be scared of eating GOOD fat.  Fats are like WD-40 for your gut. Try making your 
own salad dressings with healthy fats, and adding a few tablespoons to smoothies.

6. Stimulate stomach acid production

Stomach acid is to digestion what petrol is to a fire. Digesting food isn’t just about the mechanical mashing up motion of the stomach and intestines — the acidic medium of bile and stomach juices are also required to break everything down.
Unfortunately, many of us today have weak stomach acid, and suffer because of it. Try stimulating stomach acid production with natural supplements such as fresh ginger (made into a tea or added to foods), raw apple cider vinegar with the mother (culture intact) herbal bitters, or dandelion root tea.

6. Get into digestion mode

Have you ever heard the term “fight or flight”? This refers to the survival mode we go into when we are under threat. Many of us live in this mode on a fairly permanent basis, with the never ending stresses of work and bills hanging over our heads.
The problem is, survival mode is not conducive to digestion. A simple fix is to take a few deep breaths before sitting down to eat. Remember to continue to breathe deeply as you savour your food as well.

8. Move your body

Similar to a slouchy posture, sitting still all day tends to get digestion all backed up. Not only does regular exercise help work gas out of your system so that it doesn’t cause discomfort, it also stimulates the digestive process and helps you excrete waste more regularly. A further benefit of movement is that it can be a great way to relieve stress, so that you find it easier to get into “digestion mode”!

9. Consume friendly bacteria (Probiotics)

Along with providing fibrous foods as fuel for the probiotic bacteria living in your gut, you should also continue to develop the “community” by consuming bacteria rich foods. These include fermented and cultured products such as kefir and sauerkraut. Many people find that regular consumption of these foods and beverages goes a long way toward keeping digestion optimal.

Avoiding antibiotics and other medications such as oral contraceptives is also important in order to foster a healthy gut environment. Studies show that these chemicals damage beneficial bacteria in ways that are not reversed without external intervention.

10. Heal the gut lining

In order for digestion to work, the “machinery” has to be well maintained. This means avoiding things that damage the intestinal lining, and adding foods that heal it. Many of us suffer from a disease called “leaky gut syndrome,” which is thought to be caused by too much processed food, chronic stress and overuse of pharmaceuticals.
Luckily there are a few key foods you can add to your diet to bring the intestinal tract back into good health.

Broth - make your own broth from organic meat.  It is rich in proteins like gelatine and collagen which are hugely healing for your gut.  See GAPS book. 

Fermented Foods

Coconut products - coconut oil and coconut milk are high in medium chain fatty acids which are easier to digest and help support gut healing.

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