Probiotics are an absolute essential supplement to take for anyone suffering from any sort of digestive complaint. Optibac are an extremely good brand and I recommend these particular probiotics for anyone with constipation
Please look at this page for all the variety of probiotics available to suit your individual symptoms Probiotics Available
These are also popular for people suffering from bloatedness. For a flat stomach
I cannot stress the importance of probiotics for you and your children's health. Please spend 10 minutes listening to this very informative Probiotic video.
Friday, 5 May 2017
Coffee Enemas
Coffee enema is unique among therapies that enhance gallbladder function and benefit liver health: not only does it improve bile flow, it prevents the resorption of bile and the toxins contained in expelled bile.
Why is that good?
You may not know this, but the body recycles bile up to 10 times, reabsorbing bile and bile salts through the intestinal walls. It is one of the ways the body conserves its resources.
That worked fine eons ago when we lived in a younger, more pristine world. Today, it is advantageous to help our bodies eliminate bile faster.
Here's why...
Bile carries toxins out of the liver through the gallbladder. Because bile is reused, a large portion of the toxins tends to be reabsorbed along with the bile.
Choloretic (bile flow stimulating) herbs like dandelion, milk thistle and oregon grape can help increase bile flow and benefit fat digestion. HOWEVER, they do NOT keep bile, bile salts, and toxins carried in the bile from re-toxifying your body.
Just stimulating bile flow with herbs will not quickly detoxify the body.
But coffee enema WILL!
Coffee enema activates and intensifies certain enzyme systems that ensure that around 98% of toxins in released bile will be safely carried out of your body!
It does not allow the liver to reabsorb toxic bile through the permeable walls of the gut. Therefore, it is the most effective means of utilizing natural enzyme systems of the liver and small intestine to detoxify the blood stream.
Translation: Coffee enema helps you feel FANTASTIC!
Short video explaining thoroughly how to do a coffee enema at home!
Too much diary?!
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Does your child often look like this? |
Simply try eliminating or heavily cutting down dairy from their diets. Normally toddlers eat so much dairy that they become so full of mucus that it literally pours out of their noses and they have endless coughs. If you write down the amount of dairy in your child's diet over the course of a week, then most people find it is usually quite a lot. If you are worried about calcium then rest assured milk is certainly not the only form of calcium.
I know my son, who is now 12, developed eczema as a baby, due to the large proportions of milk I was giving him. With homeopathy and a radical change in the milk, cheese and endless yoghurts I was giving him, I was glad to find that it eventually disappeared for good. It took about a year of homeopathy and a radical change in diet for this to happen. After having my second child 3 years ago I was much more prepared. She eats very little dairy and after I finished breastfeeding I switched her over to oat milk which you can either make or buy in the supermarkets. She rarely eats yoghurts and cheese and has only had a couple of minor colds/coughs since she was born. I am sure that her minimal intake of dairy has something to do with this. I am not saying that our children must never eat dairy, I just wanted to highlight just how powerful eliminating dairy from our diets can be for adults as well as children! A very interesting website is NOT MILK in particular The Famous Milk Letter Full of very informative articles!
An interesting video explanation on how homeopathy works on colds and coughs
Below are a couple of very interesting and informative videos with regard to vaccination. I urge any parent to make an informed decision before vaccinating their children.
An excellent website to help you make this hugely important decision is INFORMED PARENT
Another very interesting video about the massive increase in psychiatric drugs that are administered to children.
For children with dairy allergies the following health problems can occur. Colic in babies, eczema, asthma, recurring ear, nose and throat problems. Most common symptoms are excessive mucus production, respiratory complaints such as asthma and gastrointestinal problems.
One problem which causes colic is lactose intolerance. Lactose is milk sugar and some children lack the necessary enzyme, lactase, to digest the lactose. Because this milk sugar is left in the gut to ferment, the side effects can include the most uncomfortable wind and bloating.
One problem which causes colic is lactose intolerance. Lactose is milk sugar and some children lack the necessary enzyme, lactase, to digest the lactose. Because this milk sugar is left in the gut to ferment, the side effects can include the most uncomfortable wind and bloating.
* Breast feed your baby for at least the first 6 months but longer if possible
* Add lactase enzymes to milk to ‘pre-digest’ it several hours before drinking it (available from good health food shops).
* Avoid milk, especially skimmed milk which has more lactose
* Drink lactose-free milk (found in large supermarkets)
* Drink calcium enriched soya milk (in moderation as soya can lead to allergies as well).
* Cheese usually does not cause a problem as it contains low levels of lactose and yoghurt is often fine as the bacteria in it have pre-digested the lactose, milk sugars and proteins.
*Butter has only a trace amount of lactose and is almost never an issue as it is almost 100% fat.
* Breast feed your baby for at least the first 6 months but longer if possible
* Add lactase enzymes to milk to ‘pre-digest’ it several hours before drinking it (available from good health food shops).
* Avoid milk, especially skimmed milk which has more lactose
* Drink lactose-free milk (found in large supermarkets)
* Drink calcium enriched soya milk (in moderation as soya can lead to allergies as well).
* Cheese usually does not cause a problem as it contains low levels of lactose and yoghurt is often fine as the bacteria in it have pre-digested the lactose, milk sugars and proteins.
*Butter has only a trace amount of lactose and is almost never an issue as it is almost 100% fat.
The other main reason for allergies are the thirty proteins found in cow’s milk.
• Casein, the main protein to cause problems, is a large molecule and is so dense in milk that in formula feeds its percentage has been reduced to reflect human milk. It is really designed for small cows, not small people. In the stomach these proteins coagulate into a large, hard to digest, lump which then takes a lot of work to break down. Goat’s milk forms into much easier, small lumps and human milk into tiny little globules. Goat’s milk has a different form of casein which is much better tolerated by children.
• You may have seen posters in your doctor’s surgery urging breast feeding because of the increased risk of insulin-dependant diabetes in children. The reason that cow’s milk is believed to be the culprit is that an anti-body, Bovine Serum Albumin is thought to attack the pancreas in susceptible children, accounting for the sharp upturn in this disease.
• Milk protein allergy can lead to the symptoms of asthma, eczema, digestive problems, constipation, diarrhoea and also to headaches and dark circles around eyes. In the worst cases anaphylactic shock have even been reported.
• Mucus build-up is one of the key down-sides of too much dairy and this can lead to one of the most common plagues to affect young children - glue ear. The simple measure of cutting back, or cutting out milk and cheese can usually eliminate this avoiding the long and uncomfortable road of antibiotics and operations to insert a grommet into the ear.
The other main reason for allergies are the thirty proteins found in cow’s milk.
• Casein, the main protein to cause problems, is a large molecule and is so dense in milk that in formula feeds its percentage has been reduced to reflect human milk. It is really designed for small cows, not small people. In the stomach these proteins coagulate into a large, hard to digest, lump which then takes a lot of work to break down. Goat’s milk forms into much easier, small lumps and human milk into tiny little globules. Goat’s milk has a different form of casein which is much better tolerated by children.
• You may have seen posters in your doctor’s surgery urging breast feeding because of the increased risk of insulin-dependant diabetes in children. The reason that cow’s milk is believed to be the culprit is that an anti-body, Bovine Serum Albumin is thought to attack the pancreas in susceptible children, accounting for the sharp upturn in this disease.
• Milk protein allergy can lead to the symptoms of asthma, eczema, digestive problems, constipation, diarrhoea and also to headaches and dark circles around eyes. In the worst cases anaphylactic shock have even been reported.
• Mucus build-up is one of the key down-sides of too much dairy and this can lead to one of the most common plagues to affect young children - glue ear. The simple measure of cutting back, or cutting out milk and cheese can usually eliminate this avoiding the long and uncomfortable road of antibiotics and operations to insert a grommet into the ear.
Usually it is sufficient just to cut back on dairy products - cheese once a week and a couple of yoghurts a week along with a bit of milk in desserts is unlikely to be a problem for most children. Removing a food from the diet completely can sometimes lead to further problems as no natural resistance is built up and therefore the intolerance may become worse.
In some cases however there is such an acute allergy that all dairy products, including yoghurt and butter, have to be avoided and this includes packaged products containing dairy. There are many unfamiliar terms for dairy components to look out for in this case, and, in addition to the obvious (milk, cheese, cream, butter, yoghurt) include:
* Buttermilk * Lactic acid
* Casein / caseinate * Lactobacillus
* Crème Fraîche * Lactose
* Ghee * Quark
* Kefir * Whey
* Lactalbumin
Usually it is sufficient just to cut back on dairy products - cheese once a week and a couple of yoghurts a week along with a bit of milk in desserts is unlikely to be a problem for most children. Removing a food from the diet completely can sometimes lead to further problems as no natural resistance is built up and therefore the intolerance may become worse.
In some cases however there is such an acute allergy that all dairy products, including yoghurt and butter, have to be avoided and this includes packaged products containing dairy. There are many unfamiliar terms for dairy components to look out for in this case, and, in addition to the obvious (milk, cheese, cream, butter, yoghurt) include:
* Buttermilk * Lactic acid
* Casein / caseinate * Lactobacillus
* Crème Fraîche * Lactose
* Ghee * Quark
* Kefir * Whey
* Lactalbumin
The main worry for parents who need to take dairy out of their child’s diets, or who may want to cut back as a preventative measure, is where to get calcium in the diet. Here are a few interesting points that may help to relieve some of this anxiety:
• Calcium is best used by the body with magnesium, and while dairy products are rich sources of calcium they offer only tiny amounts of magnesium. This means that while we can take in the calcium, we don’t necessarily use it for bone and tooth health unless it is balanced by magnesium.
• The foods that give the best ratio of calcium to magnesium are green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale. Nuts (all types) and seeds (sunflower, pine nuts, pumpkin) also give the ideal ratio. Sesame seeds are a good source of calcium and can be added to cereals and porridge giving a crunchy texture. Sesame seeds which are a good source are found in Hummus through Tahini Paste. Other sources of Calcium – oily fish such as sardines and mackerel (also give omega oils/essential fatty acids which are good for eczema) and dried apricots (organic as non organic contain sulphites); black strap molasses (also provides magnesium, potassium and iron).
• Children aged 2 to 7 need 1300-1700 calories. One of the temptations of whole milk is that it contributes significantly, at 100 calories per 150ml (1 small glass). However it fills up young tummies quickly, cutting their appetite for other foods. Better to quench their thirst with water or diluted juice, and include high fat foods in their meals such as olive oil, avocado, egg yolks, oily fish, coconut cream, tahini, almond nut butter and fresh nuts and seeds (beware of choking hazard).
• Between the ages of 2 and 7 youngsters need 600mg of calcium a day. If they have a varied, whole-food diet sufficient calcium can be obtained. Even tap water from ‘hard-water’ areas or still mineral water provide significant amounts of calcium.
This is an example of a menu will give around 600mg of calcium:
2 eggs 50mg
Handful of dates 25mg
1 orange 50mg
1 carrot in matchsticks 25mg
1/2 portion broccoli spears 35mg
Sunflower seeds (can be ground as cereal 20mg
topping but avoid if your child has nut allergies)
1/2 small tin pink salmon 75mg
1 calcium enriched soya yoghurt (on cereal) 100mg
2 slices wholemeal bread (or bread sticks) 50mg
2 portions of green vegetables 80mg
1 portion of baked beans 50mg
Fruit salad (kiwi, pear & melon) 40mg
2 eggs 50mg
Handful of dates 25mg
1 orange 50mg
1 carrot in matchsticks 25mg
1/2 portion broccoli spears 35mg
Sunflower seeds (can be ground as cereal 20mg
topping but avoid if your child has nut allergies)
1/2 small tin pink salmon 75mg
1 calcium enriched soya yoghurt (on cereal) 100mg
2 slices wholemeal bread (or bread sticks) 50mg
2 portions of green vegetables 80mg
1 portion of baked beans 50mg
Fruit salad (kiwi, pear & melon) 40mg
Goats milk
Easier to digest as it doesn’t contain aglutinin so less clustering of fat globules.
Goat milk protein forms a softer curd (the term given to the protein clumps that are formed by the action of your stomach acid on the protein), which makes the protein more easily and rapidly digestible. Theoretically, this more rapid transit through the stomach could be an advantage to infants and children who regurgitate cow's milk easily. Goat's milk may also have advantages when it comes to allergies. Goat's milk contains only trace amounts of an allergenic casein protein, alpha-S1, found in cow's milk. Goat's milk casein is more similar to human milk, yet cow's milk and goat's milk contain similar levels of the other allergenic protein, beta lactoglobulin.
Goat's milk contains slightly lower levels of lactose (4.1 percent versus 4.7 percent in cow's milk), which may be a small advantage in lactose-intolerant persons.
Easier to digest as it doesn’t contain aglutinin so less clustering of fat globules.
Goat milk protein forms a softer curd (the term given to the protein clumps that are formed by the action of your stomach acid on the protein), which makes the protein more easily and rapidly digestible. Theoretically, this more rapid transit through the stomach could be an advantage to infants and children who regurgitate cow's milk easily. Goat's milk may also have advantages when it comes to allergies. Goat's milk contains only trace amounts of an allergenic casein protein, alpha-S1, found in cow's milk. Goat's milk casein is more similar to human milk, yet cow's milk and goat's milk contain similar levels of the other allergenic protein, beta lactoglobulin.
Goat's milk contains slightly lower levels of lactose (4.1 percent versus 4.7 percent in cow's milk), which may be a small advantage in lactose-intolerant persons.
Different minerals
Although the mineral content of goat's milk and cow's milk is generally similar, goat's milk contains 13 percent more calcium, 25 percent more vitamin B-6, 47 percent more vitamin A, 134 percent more potassium, and three times more niacin. It is also four times higher in copper. Goat's milk also contains 27 percent more of the antioxidant selenium than cow's milk. Cow's milk contains five times as much vitamin B-12 as goat's milk and ten times as much folic acid (12 mcg. in cow's milk versus 1 mcg. for goat's milk per eight ounces with an RDA of 75-100 mcg. for children). The fact that goat's milk contains less than ten percent of the amount of folic acid contained in cow's milk means that it must be supplemented with folic acid in order to be adequate as a formula or milk substitute for infants and toddlers, and popular brands of goat's milk may advertise "supplemented with folic acid" on the carton. Folic acid sources are wheatgerm, spinach, peanuts, sprouts, asparagus, sesame seeds, broccoli.
Although the mineral content of goat's milk and cow's milk is generally similar, goat's milk contains 13 percent more calcium, 25 percent more vitamin B-6, 47 percent more vitamin A, 134 percent more potassium, and three times more niacin. It is also four times higher in copper. Goat's milk also contains 27 percent more of the antioxidant selenium than cow's milk. Cow's milk contains five times as much vitamin B-12 as goat's milk and ten times as much folic acid (12 mcg. in cow's milk versus 1 mcg. for goat's milk per eight ounces with an RDA of 75-100 mcg. for children). The fact that goat's milk contains less than ten percent of the amount of folic acid contained in cow's milk means that it must be supplemented with folic acid in order to be adequate as a formula or milk substitute for infants and toddlers, and popular brands of goat's milk may advertise "supplemented with folic acid" on the carton. Folic acid sources are wheatgerm, spinach, peanuts, sprouts, asparagus, sesame seeds, broccoli.
There is a divergence of views between the medical profession and the more naturopathic approach to health. It does seem that many children grow out of milk allergies and, as their age moves out of single figures, symptoms such as asthma and eczema often resolve themselves. However, the less orthodox view is that the body is learning to adapt, as a survival mechanism, but that the symptoms will reappear in later years - thirties or forties - in another form, such as migraine or irritable bowel syndrome. Surely the most sensible approach, as no one can be really sure how the problem will develop in any given child, is to make sure that there is variety in the diet and not too much dependency on any one food group. Variety reduces the opportunity for allergy.
There is a divergence of views between the medical profession and the more naturopathic approach to health. It does seem that many children grow out of milk allergies and, as their age moves out of single figures, symptoms such as asthma and eczema often resolve themselves. However, the less orthodox view is that the body is learning to adapt, as a survival mechanism, but that the symptoms will reappear in later years - thirties or forties - in another form, such as migraine or irritable bowel syndrome. Surely the most sensible approach, as no one can be really sure how the problem will develop in any given child, is to make sure that there is variety in the diet and not too much dependency on any one food group. Variety reduces the opportunity for allergy.
Drink more water with The BIBO water filter
Throw away your kettle & claim back your fridge with the New BIBO Bar
Bibo comes in eight different colours, ranging from standard tones to those which are much more wacky and vibrant. It cost about £78 to fit but if you have a handy man around then it is a very simple job. It connects directly onto the water supply under your sink. A small hole needs to be drilled into the work surface no larger than a pencil so it is very discreet.
The Bibo encourages you and the family to drink more water and it is great for having instant boiling water so you can say goodbye to your kettle and I also use it for filling saucepans for cooking.
Bibo comes in eight different colours, ranging from standard tones to those which are much more wacky and vibrant. It cost about £78 to fit but if you have a handy man around then it is a very simple job. It connects directly onto the water supply under your sink. A small hole needs to be drilled into the work surface no larger than a pencil so it is very discreet.
The Bibo encourages you and the family to drink more water and it is great for having instant boiling water so you can say goodbye to your kettle and I also use it for filling saucepans for cooking.
We’ve also been using the Bibo to fill our flasks and hot water bottles, and water bottles before going out, so I no longer waste money on buying bottled water anywhere ever again!
I absolutely love it and think it is worth every penny. I bought the BIBO classic which was £493 plus I pay about £69 per year for filter change. They also offer an option to rent which you could then try before you buy? There is another option out there which is called Virgin Pure. This is also a fantastic machine, very similar but you pay instalments of about £25.00 per month which will include filters and maintenance. I just decided that I would rather pay for the filter outright and not have monthly payments for ever more. My partner has the Virgin Pure filter which is also an excellent piece of kit!
Check out the Bibo's website for all the information.
How the sugar stacks up
Do we know how much sugar is actually in soft drinks and fizzy drinks??
I was surprised, I knew it was high but not this high! Even the tiny box of ribena which you might think is slightly healthier that the coke has 5 teaspoons of sugar in it. If anyone said they took 5 teaspoons of sugar in their tea or coffee you would probably grimace but each drink ranges from minimum 3.9 teaspoons to a whopping 19.5 in the rockstar energy drink!!
First off, let’s bring to light what sugar can do to your body. This sweet substance can bring on a multitude of health problems, a few of which are major issues common among those who like to over indulge. The big two would be diabetes and obesity. In truth sugar can definitely make things seem to taste drastically better but there is a toll for it in the long term.
Obesity is rapidly becoming more common. The problem is that instead of treating sugar as a “treat” we instead ingest it all day everyday like it’s common place and normal to do so. From a young age children are exposed to sugar as this holy treat full of goodness. From there it can just snowball into a mound of unwanted effects or conditions. Everyone is different but no one is invincible to the effects of sugar.
Dr. Robert Lustig, author of the book Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar claims that 75% – 80% of all obesity stems from insulin which is created from sugar intake. Your body can handle some sugar spurts but when it is routinely consumed it's a completely different story.
20 Common Foods With High Sugar Levels
Now some of these are surprising and some are not. Something to keep in mind is that even when you think you are eating something “healthy” it very well might be packed with extra sugar. It’s smart to check the nutrition facts or even the ingredients on the back of the packaging yourself. You might be surprised to see some things like dried fruits and sugar listed as the first ingredient instead of fruit!
- Sugar/Sweeteners (Stop or loosen up on adding this to everything!)
- Soft drinks
- Dried fruit (look for unsweetened instead)
- Flavoured yogurt
- Cereal
- Flavoured Porridge
- Spaghetti
- Fruit juice
- Ready Meals
- Sports Drinks
- Salad Dressing
- Ketchup (along with many other sauces)
- Low Fat/Fat Free Sweets
- Energy Bars
- Granola
- Fruit Smoothies
- Frozen TV Dinners
- Canned Baked Beans
- Jam/Spreads
- Apple Sauce
Sugar Is a Drug
Drugs alter your mind, are addictive and usually toxic. So is sugar! Imagine if a food company laced your meals with morphine so that you’d buy more? The public would go nuts. So they use sugar to get people hooked.
Most of the items commonly consumed that are clearly treats also don’t offer any nutritional value. This is a massive concern especially when it comes to children. The worst thing you can do is have your children hooked early. It’s extremely easy to eat sugary foods and gain weight but it’s quite the opposite trying to lose the sugar and weight. 13 Side Effects Of Sugar Intake
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Heart failure/disease
- Cancer
- High blood pressure
- Restrain the immune system
- Poor memory
- Acne
- Tooth decay
- Learning disorders
- Depression
- Headaches and migraines
- Yeast infection
Reduce, limit or avoid as much sugar as possible. A lot of foods even thought to be healthy already have sugars. Fruits in particular are a huge source of sugar. Teach the world that sugar is a treat and not an everyday pleasure. Check out the nutrition facts and ingredients on the back of consumables to make sure sugar isn’t the first and highest rated item.
Try to avoid gluten and dairy
I am often advising my clients to try and avoid or cut out wheat and dairy out of their diets for a period of time. The gluten found in wheat and the casein found in dairy products can be very difficult to digest for some people therefore omitting it can often show a reduction in digestive complaints. I came across a really informative website that I wanted to share which is jam packed full of information. Whole Grains Council.
I am always looking at the alternatives out there for people who need to make changes in their diet rather than telling people they can't have this and they can't have that!
My favourite grain to eat is Love Life red and white quinoa and bulgar wheat. I can't seem to find it anywhere but in Waitrose. Quinoa is a fantastic source of protein and both quinoa and bulgar wheat are gluten free grains and are certainly better options than sticky gluey pasta!
Check out this great video to learn more about gluten.
I am always looking at the alternatives out there for people who need to make changes in their diet rather than telling people they can't have this and they can't have that!
My favourite grain to eat is Love Life red and white quinoa and bulgar wheat. I can't seem to find it anywhere but in Waitrose. Quinoa is a fantastic source of protein and both quinoa and bulgar wheat are gluten free grains and are certainly better options than sticky gluey pasta!
Check out this great video to learn more about gluten.
10 ways to boost your digestive system
10 Ways to boost Your Digestive System
If you’re having trouble with digestion, poor health is not far behind. As Hippocrates is often quoted as saying more than 2,000 years ago, “All disease begins in the gut.” Your organs, blood, eyes, hair, bones, thoughts and feelings are literally built from the food you eat. Your ability to break down food to form the essential building blocks of life determines your ability to thrive.
An impaired digestive system is not only uncomfortable (and potentially embarrassing, in the case of frequent gassiness), but also endangers your health. Experts estimate that approximately 75 percent of the immune system lives in the gut, so taking care of your tummy is vital to avoid disease.
If you want to resolve a plethora of health issues, digestion is a great place to start. Here are the 10 most important rules to follow for optimal digestion.
You are what you eat — or what you digest
Your digestive system isn’t just a blender. It’s a living environment with sensitive tissues and an ever changing bacterial environment.
Dietary sensitivities are increasing as our food supply becomes more saturated with pesticides, chemicals, additives and processing agents. At the same time, meat and produce that is farmed on a large commercial scale is derived from nutrient depleted soil. It’s vital to choose foods that provide optimal nutrition and do not cause irritation in the gut. Avoiding processed foods, grains (especially those that contain gluten) and commercial dairy products.
2. Reduce or eliminate caffeine
Many people find that caffeine causes intestinal distress. For a gentler alternative, try herbal coffee which also has other health benefits. Other alternatives include green tea and herbal teas, which provide anti-inflammatory power and may even help boost digestion. Peppermint, chamomile and fennel tea are all touted for digestive benefits.
3. Work on your posture
Slouching can seriously impede digestion and contribute to constipation. Bathroom posture is also important. Human beings were built to squat for optimal excretion of waste, but modern toilets are in conflict with our biology. Using a small stool or purpose built squatting device that sits in front of the toilet is beneficial for many people who otherwise suffer from constipation and other digestive complaints.
4. Add more fibre
Adding bulk to stools helps to cleanse the colon. Linseeds/Flaxseeds are rich in fibre — try sprinkling them on top of salads or yogurt or soak a dessert spoon overnight in water and slug back in the morning Add more liquid if you prefer.
However, it is important to note that fibre may cause intestinal distress and constipation in some people. Consumption should be increased gradually to prevent discomfort and gassiness.
5. Add more fat
Simply adding more fibre on its own may block up the works. We need to drink enough water and also consume healthy fats to keep the excretory system well lubricated. Good choices for healthy fats include those that are naturally sourced and minimally processed
Coconut oil
Extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
Linseed oil
Don't be scared of eating GOOD fat. Fats are like WD-40 for your gut. Try making your
own salad dressings with healthy fats, and adding a few tablespoons to smoothies.
6. Stimulate stomach acid production
Stomach acid is to digestion what petrol is to a fire. Digesting food isn’t just about the mechanical mashing up motion of the stomach and intestines — the acidic medium of bile and stomach juices are also required to break everything down.
Unfortunately, many of us today have weak stomach acid, and suffer because of it. Try stimulating stomach acid production with natural supplements such as fresh ginger (made into a tea or added to foods), raw apple cider vinegar with the mother (culture intact) herbal bitters, or dandelion root tea.
6. Get into digestion mode
Have you ever heard the term “fight or flight”? This refers to the survival mode we go into when we are under threat. Many of us live in this mode on a fairly permanent basis, with the never ending stresses of work and bills hanging over our heads.
The problem is, survival mode is not conducive to digestion. A simple fix is to take a few deep breaths before sitting down to eat. Remember to continue to breathe deeply as you savour your food as well.
8. Move your body
Similar to a slouchy posture, sitting still all day tends to get digestion all backed up. Not only does regular exercise help work gas out of your system so that it doesn’t cause discomfort, it also stimulates the digestive process and helps you excrete waste more regularly. A further benefit of movement is that it can be a great way to relieve stress, so that you find it easier to get into “digestion mode”!
9. Consume friendly bacteria (Probiotics)
Along with providing fibrous foods as fuel for the probiotic bacteria living in your gut, you should also continue to develop the “community” by consuming bacteria rich foods. These include fermented and cultured products such as kefir and sauerkraut. Many people find that regular consumption of these foods and beverages goes a long way toward keeping digestion optimal.
Avoiding antibiotics and other medications such as oral contraceptives is also important in order to foster a healthy gut environment. Studies show that these chemicals damage beneficial bacteria in ways that are not reversed without external intervention.
10. Heal the gut lining
In order for digestion to work, the “machinery” has to be well maintained. This means avoiding things that damage the intestinal lining, and adding foods that heal it. Many of us suffer from a disease called “leaky gut syndrome,” which is thought to be caused by too much processed food, chronic stress and overuse of pharmaceuticals.
Luckily there are a few key foods you can add to your diet to bring the intestinal tract back into good health.
Broth - make your own broth from organic meat. It is rich in proteins like gelatine and collagen which are hugely healing for your gut. See GAPS book.
Fermented Foods
Coconut products - coconut oil and coconut milk are high in medium chain fatty acids which are easier to digest and help support gut healing.
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