I spent a fantastic day on Saturday with Jason Vale, who is a very interesting and funny guy. He has more energy than I have seen in someone in a long time. He is literally buzzing his way through life on juice although he obviously eats healthily as well! He is very enthusiastic about the power that juicing has on health and has thousands of testimonials to back this up.
Jason believes in 'One Disease - One Solution'. He believes that disease is either caused by 'Toxicity and/or Deficiency'. If you remove the incoming toxicity (ie junk food, processed food, cigarettes, alcohol, chemicals, refined fats/sugars) and replace any nutrient deficiences, then the vast majority of diseases will improve.
He runs retreats in Turkey and will be opening a new one in Portugal very soon. His website is jammed full of information about juicing with tons of recipes. I have read lots of his books and the 'lose 7 lb in 7 days' does work if that is what you are looking for. Not only that, it really does kick start you into the world of juicing.
I bought my juicer about 3 years ago after getting completely motivated by his books and watching him on various You Tube videos. Now I have been to one of his events, my juicer is definately here to stay!
He does a very good analogy about a fish in a bowl. All very simple, but the bottom line is - if we bombard our bodies every day with rubbish such as coffee, fizzy drinks, junk food, cigarettes, alcohol etc, then throw in a few paracetamols and Rennies for good measure, the water in the bowl ends up thick, disgusting, clogged up and dirty. This relates to the fluid surrounding our cells. Now, do we treat the fish or clean the water? Obviously clean the water! What do many of us do though, yes, treat the fish!
I found this You Tube clip that explains exactly this - treat the cause not the symptoms.
We live in a quick fix society where we like to take pills to rid our bodies as quick as possible from ailments. We do not give a second thought to what we are actually putting into our bodies that have polluted the water and made us sick in the first place. So, by flushing the body with freshly extracted fruits and vegetable juices that are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and more, your health balance will be restored and you will be on the journey to achieve optimum health and vibrancy.
Happy juicing with Jason Vale - The Juicemaster!!
Well couldnt have said it better myself! And ..wow...what a great looking couple...If this is what juicing does for you...Im hooked...look forward to reading more of your blogs.